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Issue Title
Vol 8, No 9 (2021): September 2021 Inference of Mulla Sadra's Ethical Views in the Four Realms of Meta-Ethics Abstract   PDF
Mehran Seif-Farshad, Yousef Kheire, Seyyed Mohammad Amin Madayen
Vol 5, No 3 (2018): June 2018 Influence of Contextual Learning Model and Learning Motivation in the Ability to Solve the Comparison Story Abstract   PDF
Sri Hartati, ‌Rukayah Rukayah, Slamet Subiyantor
Vol 9, No 5 (2022): May 2022 Influence of Employee Engagement, Organizational Culture and Employee Satisfaction on Employee Performance at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Parepare Branch Abstract   PDF
Rustan Ali, Bakhtiar Tijjang, Megawati Beddu, Arfandi Dinsar
Vol 8, No 5 (2021): May 2021 Influence of Nutrients on Winter Wheat on Its Productivity of Old Irrigated Light Serosemes Abstract   PDF
Shavkatjon Zakirovich Khakimov
Vol 6, No 6 (2019): December 2019 Influence of Peers’ Conformity and Sensation Seeking towards Smoking Behavior on Adolescents Abstract   PDF
Nanda Zatil Hidayah, Rita Eka Izzaty
Vol 7, No 5 (2020): June 2020 Influence of Promotion Mix, Knowledge of Adolescents ' Reproductive Health and Parental Role in the Utilization of Adolescents ' Health Care Services (PKPR) Abstract   PDF
Yulia Trisnawati, Sumihardi Sumihardi
Vol 7, No 6 (2020): July 2020 Influence of The Environment, Culture and Image on Selection of Private Senior High School in Region East Jakarta Abstract   PDF
Irminapinem Irminapinem, Suparno Eko Widodo, Budi Santoso
Vol 9, No 12 (2022): December 2022 Influence of Transformational Leadership and Work Environment on Job Satisfaction and Ready to Change at The Medical Faculty of Al-Azhar Islamic University Abstract   PDF
Alfian Muhajir, Thatok Asmony, Hermanto Hermanto
Vol 6, No 5 (2019): October 2019 Influence of Transformational Leadership Perception in Employee Performance: Perception of Learning Organizations and Innovations as Mediator (Study in CV. Amigo Mangesti Utomo) Abstract   PDF
Ogy Septiadi, Heru Kristanto
Vol 8, No 12 (2021): December 2021 Influence of Trust on Customer Engagement and Intention to Reuse Ferry Transportation Modes Lembar – Padangbai Abstract   PDF
Mahdi Mahdi, Handayani Rinuastuti, Akhmad Saufi
Vol 8, No 8 (2021): August 2021 Influence of Trust, Subjective Norm,and Perceived Usefulness on the Intention of Using Contraceptives with Education Level as Moderation Variables Abstract   PDF
Dedi Tista Amijaya, Sulhaini Sulhaini, Lalu Edy Herman
Vol 7, No 1 (2020): February 2020 Influence of Voting Behavior on Political Participation in North Sumatera Governor Election Year 2018 Particularly in Stabat Sub-District Abstract   PDF
Elma Sari, Muryanto Amin, Warjio Warjio
Vol 5, No 2 (2018): April 2018 Influence of Writing Poetry Module Using in Contextual Learning to Writing Poetry Learning Result of Elementary Student Abstract   PDF
Servasius Bupu, Rukayah Rukayah, Slamet Subiyantoro
Vol 5, No 5 (2018): October 2018 Influences of Product Attribute and Event Marketing Toward Customers’ Behavior in Buying a Car Toyota New Yaris Abstract   PDF
Andri Astuti Itasari, Andre Rahmanto, Yulius Slamet
Vol 10, No 1 (2023): January 2023 Influences of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Self-Efficacy on Technology Integration Practices of Economics Teachers Abstract   PDF
Virsa Auliya, Lukman Hakim, Khresna Bayu Sangka
Vol 11, No 1 (2024): January 2024 Informal Education Patterns at the Silver City Metal Craft Centre in Kotagede Abstract   PDF
Wahyu Kurniawan, Kasiyan Kasiyan
Vol 7, No 7 (2020): August 2020 Informal Settlement of Minor Crimes Among Citizens by Bhabinkamtibmas (Bhayangkara Trustee of Security and Public Order) at Klaten Police Station Abstract   PDF
Luckyta Mayang Tyna, Abdul Muta'ali, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
Vol 8, No 6 (2021): June 2021 Information and Communication Technologies in Medical Education Abstract   PDF
Nigora Namanjanovna Dekhkanova, Nodirabegim Bahtiyorjon Qizi Zhamoliddin
Vol 6, No 6 (2019): December 2019 Information Seeking in the Elite PDI Perjuangan about Gibran Election as the Solo Mayor Abstract   PDF
Musayyarah Fatmayani, Drs Pawito, Widodo Muktiyo
Vol 9, No 2 (2022): February 2022 Information-Analytical Activity and Its Role in Internal Affairs Bodies Abstract   PDF
Bakhtiyor Vahobovich Buriev
Vol 9, No 8 (2022): August 2022 Informatization of Educational Quality Management in Preschool Educational Organizations Abstract   PDF
Rustambek Yulchibaevich Khaydarov
Vol 6, No 3 (2019): June 2019 Inheritance of Community Property in Melayu Siak Community Abstract   PDF
Lani Regina Yulanda, Yaswirman Yaswirman, Zefrizal Nurdin
Vol 10, No 6 (2023): June 2023 Inheritance of Halibambang Dance Through Education: A Case Study of SMP Negeri 7 Bandar Lampung Abstract   PDF
Putri Afriyani, Akbar Bagaskara, Kusnadi Kusnadi
Vol 5, No 3 (2018): June 2018 Inheritance Sharing Model that Can Be Done Not as the Provision in Al-Quran Abstract   PDF
Khorisima Gusasih, Burhanudin Harahap
Vol 7, No 2 (2020): March 2020 Initial Land Registration based on Basic Rights of Forest Cutting in Batanghari Regency Jambi Province Abstract   PDF
Jenike Lusita, Kurnia Warman, Ulfanora Ulfanora
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