Implementation of Circumcision in Baby Girls
Circumcision is an activity that has become a tradition in various parts of the world. The aim of this research is to know the implementation of circumcision in baby girls. Research i n i using quantitative pendekataan with design research cross sectional . The sampling technique in this study used proportiomed cluster sampling with a sample size of 100 mothers who have female babies . Data analysis used univariate analysis (frequency distribution), bivariate analysis (Chi- square test ) and multivariate analysis (multiple logistic regression test ) . The results of the analysis prove that most mothers have low knowledge of 53%, high education 51%, Islamic religion 91%, do not believe in the myth of circumcision 56 % , do not recognize the culture of circumcision 78%, availability of health personnel implementing circumcision 90% , and there is family support. 68% .
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