Implementation of Compliance Obligations for Public Flats Provision by The Commercial Flats Construction Actors

Muhammad Zaki Mubarrak, Adi Sulistiyono, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani


The need for flats as urban dwellings is very large and continues to increase along with the high population. One of the considerations of the flats, especially in urban areas, was inspired by the increasing scarcity of land. This study aims to determine the implementation of fulfilling the obligation to provide public flats by commercial flats. This research method is normative law. The approaches used in this study include the statute approach, conceptual approach, and philosophical approach. The results showed the fulfillment of the obligation to provide public flats by the commercial flats development actors can be done through grants, buying and selling or leasing, but the most realistic to be implemented is through buying and selling. The use of flats by leasing has a business aspect because it contains elements of commercial profit-making, this opens up opportunities for business people in the property business.


Flats; Fulfillment of Obligations; Commercial

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