Implementation of Adaptive Curriculum for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Education Provider Schools in Surakarta
The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of the adaptive curriculum in inclusive schools in Surakarta. The adaptive curriculum is a curriculum developed to accommodate the needs of children with special needs with various backgrounds and abilities, with the aim that the curriculum pays more attention to the diversity of students and can create learning that is relevant to their abilities and needs. This research was conducted at four inclusive schools in the city of Surakarta, namely SDN Bromantakan, SDN Pajang I, SDN Kartodipuran, and SDN Wiropaten I. The research subjects were teachers who taught at inclusive schools totaling 33 respondents. Data collection techniques used are interviews and closed questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this study is qualitative data analysis according to Miles and Huberman. This analysis model consists of three steps, namely data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The findings of this study indicate that teachers at inclusive schools in the city of Surakarta have implemented an adaptive curriculum in the form of duplication, modification, omission, and substitution models, while escalation is not enforced because schools providing inclusive education in the city of Surakarta do not have students gifted and talented.
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