Implementation and Challenges of Teaching Factory Learning at Vocational High School

Fuad Abdul Fattah, Trisno Martono, Hery Sawiji


Indonesia’s now in the era of Industrial revolution 4.0 which has an impact on the development of Vocational High Schools. Vocational high schools are obliged to step forward and contribute to the industrial sector. Vocational High School is becoming the favorite destination of students to study and at the same time becoming the highest contributor to unemployment in Indonesia. The cause of the most of unemployment is lack of link and match between Vocational High School and the industrial sector which leads to mismatch of graduates to work in their own fields. The government revitalized Vocational High School by initiating teaching factory learning to overcome the challenge. This research is qualitative descriptive method using Nvivo 12 software to classify and display the results in the form of diagrams, graphs, and models. The findings of the research indicate that the implementation of the teaching factory in Vocational High School is match to the guidelines that have been carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture. There are challenges in the aspects of learning, human resources, and facilities that cause the teaching factory learning process to not quite run well.


Teaching Factory; Vocational High School

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