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Issue Title
Vol 10, No 10 (2023): October 2023 A Comparison of the Level of the ESP Language Learners’ Performance in a Synchronous and asynchronous Online Courses Abstract   PDF
Seyyed Ali Hosseini, Zahra Amirkhani
Vol 9, No 11 (2022): November 2022 A Conceptual Development of Entrepreneurial Orientation base on Human Potential among Indonesian University Students Abstract   PDF
Abdul Azis Bagis
Vol 7, No 8 (2020): September 2020 A Contrastive View of Intonation; The Case of English and Persian Abstract   PDF
Faramarz Aminlari
Vol 10, No 8 (2023): August 2023 A Corporate’s Responsibility in the Fulfillment Social Security Rights of Employees at Magnesium Fertilizer Manufacturer in Aceh Besar Abstract   PDF
Kasmal Milzam, Sanusi Sanusi, Teuku Ahmad Yani
Vol 8, No 9 (2021): September 2021 A Critic to Darwinian Theory on Resources Scarcity on the Basis of Quranic Verses Abstract   PDF
Ramezan Mahdavi Azadboni
Vol 9, No 1 (2022): January 2022 A Critical Analysis of Aziza Hibri's Theory on "Women's Legal System in the Qur'an" According to the Principles of Shia Jurisprudence Abstract   PDF
Mahmud Seyedy, Somayeh Abarghoie
Vol 8, No 7 (2021): July 2021 A Critical Analysis of the Baṭn (esoteric meaning) Theory in Tafsīr al-Mīzān, with Regard to Tafsīr al-Furqān Abstract   PDF
Zohreh Narimani
Vol 10, No 5 (2023): May 2023 A Critical Discourse Analysis of United States Presidential Election News 2020 in Abstract   PDF
Athanasia Reini Tri handayani, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Miftah Nugroho
Vol 6, No 6 (2019): December 2019 A Critical Study on the Reasons of the Unity of the Truth of Existence in Ibn Arabī’s Mystical school and Ṣadr al-Muti'allihīn's Philosophy Abstract   PDF
Habibullah Danesh Shahraki, Ahmad Abedi, Ehsan Mansouri
Vol 10, No 4 (2023): April 2023 A Critique of Afghanistan's Preventive Legislative Policy on Criminal Influence Abstract   PDF
Seyyed Ali Motahari, Mohammad Khalil Salehi, Abolfath Khaleghi
Vol 8, No 7 (2021): July 2021 A Critique of Freud’s Theory Regarding Man’s Personality Structure from the Quran Perspective Abstract   PDF
Rasoul Muhammad-Jafari, Mohsen Azimi, Sadegh Zamani
Vol 7, No 1 (2020): February 2020 A Critique on the Usage of Mosher’s Sexual Guilt Scale in Psychology and Psychiatry Researches in Islamic Societies: Cultural Differences in the Meaning of Sexual Guilt Abstract   PDF
Gholamreza Maarefi, Mohammad Ahmadi, A.j Hatami, Noradin Rashidi
Vol 7, No 1 (2020): February 2020 A Descriptive Study on the Use of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) For Teaching Speaking at SMAN 1 Praya Abstract   PDF
Rijnan Rijnan, Irwan Irwan
Vol 5, No 6 (2018): December 2018 A Disclose The competence Of Auditors Relationship With Partners In A Audit Quality Abstract   PDF
Viati Nurhidayati, Iwan Triyuono, Abdul Ghofar
Vol 11, No 3 (2024): March 2024 A Discourse Analysis on Workplace with Hymes 'Speaking Model' Between Owner and Staff In Puri Itoma Corporate kuta Lombok: A study on Ethnography of communication Abstract   PDF
Ramilia Laksmi Utari Umar, Yuni Budi Lestari, Lalu Muhaimi
Vol 8, No 7 (2021): July 2021 A Discourse of Theater Performance in Improving Nationalism in Surakarta Abstract   PDF
Roni Desi Tarwanto, Dwi Susanto Susanto, Wakit Abdullah Abdullah
Vol 9, No 1 (2022): January 2022 A Historical Analysis of the Grounds and Political Reasons for the Opposition and Enmity with the Commander of the faithful Ali (a) From the Beginning to the End of the Umayyad Dynasty Abstract   PDF
Ismā’īl Kāzemī Zarūmī, Muhammad Husain Rajabī Dawānī, Muhammad Jāvedān
Vol 11, No 8 (2024): August 2024 A Literature Review Regarding the Position of Adversity Quotient in Mathematics Learning Abstract   PDF
Fatimah Candrawati Dewi, Dhoriva Urwatul Wutsqa
Vol 8, No 5 (2021): May 2021 A Meta-Analysis of Students' Sense of Self-Esteem Among Iranian Studies Abstract   PDF
Nasser Mohammadi Ahmadabadi, Zahra Golizadeh, Azarbeig Moradi, Mozhgan Ghasemi
Vol 11, No 6 (2024): June 2024 A Meta-Analysis Study of the Relationship between Commitment and Job Performance Abstract   PDF
Sayed Barat Ali Naqvi, Seyed Reza Naqvi, Hanifa Hosseini
Vol 7, No 7 (2020): August 2020 A Meta-Analysis: Factors Affecting Students’ Reading Interest in Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Andri Pitoyo
Vol 9, No 6 (2022): June 2022 A Model for Improving the Spirituality of Students and Youth Based on the Media Abstract   PDF
Shakhnoza Taylakova
Vol 10, No 9 (2023): September 2023 A Model of Christian Family Post-Marriage Development to Prevent Divorce Abstract   PDF
Maidun Purba, Johanes Basuki, Martina Novalina
Vol 4, No 4 (2017): August A Nation of One: A Critical Analysis of the Rise of the Notion of Ethnocultural Oneness in Twentieth-Century Korea Abstract   PDF
Josiah Gabriel Hunt
Vol 11, No 6 (2024): June 2024 A Normative Review of The Position of Creditors in Syndication Credit Agreements without A Facility Agent Abstract   PDF
Retno Catur Kusuma Dewi, Khoirul Anwar
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