A Historical Analysis of the Grounds and Political Reasons for the Opposition and Enmity with the Commander of the faithful Ali (a) From the Beginning to the End of the Umayyad Dynasty
This research essay will explore the abundance of opposition and enmity towards the Commander of the faithful (a) from various individuals and groups in an attempt to present a historical analysis regarding the emergence of this conduct. One of the axes of this conduct and enmity was the political aspect. On the basis of this axis, by studying the political history and by analyzing texts that are similar in theme, the main axis of this research essay will be presented in three segments: The causes and political grounds for this enmity, the tools and methods of expressing this opposition, and consequences of these actions throughout history. The findings of this research essay regarding the above-mentioned axes are that the successorship of the Commander of the faithful, Ali, (a) and his relationship with the Messenger of Allah (s) was the greatest factor in the arousal of jealousy and a hostile competition in the pursuit of power. Furthermore, the method in which he executed the laws of the religion and established the prophetic traditions resulted in the rebellion of a group and led them to express their opposition and enmity. From amongst the most important consequences of this matter was the transformation of the caliphate, which was a sacred and Divine affair, into a type of monarchial system and the establishment of the absolute rule of man upon the base of corruption and power-seeking.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i1.3546
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