A Conceptual Development of Entrepreneurial Orientation base on Human Potential among Indonesian University Students
Many factors must be considered for developing entrepreneurial intentions, including beliefs, attitudes, and family and social environment support. This study introduces the concept of human potential as a positive attitude that can be actualised as a student's entrepreneurial intention. This study aims to examine the entrepreneurial orientation based on the strength of the student's human potential when attending an entrepreneurship course. The methodology used is an associative study of the dependent, independent, and specific moderating variables involving 387 Indonesian business students from various universities in eastern Indonesia. Mapping the academic climate and institutional support of higher education institutions has proven to accelerate the six variables of human potential in building entrepreneurial orientation. AMOS (analysis of moment structure) estimates the model on the structural equation model (SEM). Several suggestions are offered to maximise the actualisation of students' human potential, which can be done by stimulating the benefits and virtues of being an entrepreneur. This research provides detailed and solid results about entrepreneurial intentions that are more measurable and easier to realise. Furthermore, it has essential contributions and implications for the literature on the concept of entrepreneurial intention and contemporary entrepreneurial orientation research.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i11.4101
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