A Critical Discourse Analysis of United States Presidential Election News 2020 in newyorktimes.com

Athanasia Reini Tri handayani, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Miftah Nugroho


This research raised the problem of the ideology of one mass media, namely FoxNews.com in its news about the news of the United States Election in 2020. Study of Critical Discourse Analysis (AWK) Teun A. Van Dijk Model is used in solving this research problem. This research uses a qualitative approach. The data source is the news text published on the online news site newyorktimes.com The data collection methods used are documentation techniques, refer methods and record techniques. Data analysis methods in this study include data reducing, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. In this study found a language structure that is divided into 3 levels, namely (1) macro structure, global meaning of a text that can be observed through the theme hats the theme raised by a text; (2) superstructure, the framework of a text, such as the introduction, content, closing, and conclusions; (3) Micro structure, local meaning of a text that can be observed through the choice of words, sentences, and styles used by the text. For overall found (1) macro structure, topics or themes put forward in a news; (2) superstructure, the structure of discourse that connects the scheme or plot of a text, how the text section is composed of the news as a whole; (3) Micro structure, small parts of a text, namely sentences, propositions, classes, and parafrase. Although consisting of various elements, but these elements are a unity that is interconnected and supports each other.

Keywords: macro Structure, Superstructure, Micro Structure, Van Dijk


Macro Structure; Superstructure; Micro Structure; Van Dijk

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i5.4441


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