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Issue Title
Vol 9, No 5 (2022): May 2022 The Validity of the Shareholders General Meeting by Using Electronic Media Abstract   PDF
Muhammad Aulia Rizal, Busyra Azheri, Wetria Fauzi
Vol 7, No 1 (2020): February 2020 The Value - Added Analysis of Gayo Arabica Coffee based on Processing Abstract   PDF
Taufiqurrahman S.P, Dr. Ir. Fajri M.Sc, Dr. Lukman Hakim S.P., M.P
Vol 10, No 2 (2023): February 2023 The Value Local Wisdom of Samin Porridge Tradition Darussalam Mosque Surakarta Abstract   PDF
Eka Trianingsih, Budhi Setiawan, Kundharu Saddhono
Vol 8, No 7 (2021): July 2021 The Value of Humanism in Andrea Hirata's Novel “Orang-Orang Biasa” Abstract   PDF
Supriyanto Supriyanto, Herman J. Waluyo, Budi Setyawan
Vol 11, No 8 (2024): August 2024 The Value of Islamic Leadership in the Character of Abah in the Novel Keluarga Cemara 2 by Arswendo Atmowiloto Abstract   PDF
Farah Zahra Oktaviana, Onok Yayang Pamungkas
Vol 8, No 2 (2021): February 2021 The Value of Kindness and Responsibility Character Education in Teacher-Student Relationships in the Novel of Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata Abstract   PDF
Jaki Yudin, Suyitno Suyitno, Muhammad Rohmadi
Vol 10, No 7 (2023): July 2023 The Value of Local Wisdom of Folklore in Kudus District and Utilization in Learning Indonesian in Junior High Schools Abstract   PDF
Nuroini Najmiya Nafisa, Sarwiji Suwandi, Sumarwati Sumarwati
Vol 10, No 5 (2023): May 2023 The Values of Character Education in Beksan Tyas Muncar of Yasan K.G.P.A.A Paku Alam X Abstract   PDF
Ririn Puspitasari, Kun Setyaning Astuti
Vol 5, No 4 (2018): August 2018 The Values of Character Education in the Didong Art Performance: A Study of Enculturation Process in Gayonese Society Abstract   PDF
Jona Erwenta, Leo Agung, Sunardi Sunardi
Vol 5, No 3 (2018): June 2018 The Values of Tunggul Wulung Tradition in the Purview of National Identity: A Socio-Historical Study Abstract   PDF
Lany Susanti, Hermanu Joebagio, Sri Yamtinah
Vol 11, No 2 (2024): February 2024 The Vital Role of Civics: Understanding Local Identity and Preserving Cultural Heritage in Promoting Local Culture: (An Ethnographic Study in Sumberdem Village, Malang Regency) Abstract   PDF
Desti Nur Aini, Ridwan Umpi, Amalia Arifah Rahman
Vol 10, No 11 (2023): November 2023 The Ways to Prevent Intentional Tax Evasion Abstract   PDF
Dilshod Turaev
Vol 6, No 4 (2019): August 2019 The Zen Relationship between Chinese Poetry and American Poetry Abstract   PDF
Zhu Lihong, Wang Feng
Vol 7, No 4 (2020): May 2020 The “Political Functions” of “Pilgrimage” in Shiite Political Culture Abstract   PDF
Zahed Ghaffari Hashjin, Ali Kakadezfuli
Vol 9, No 2 (2022): February 2022 Theoretical Analysis of Educational Activity Features in the Self-Development of Students Abstract   PDF
Shokirjon Solievich Kholmatov
Vol 9, No 12 (2022): December 2022 Theoretical Analysis of Linguistic Cooperation and Convention Phenomena Abstract   PDF
Rano Fakhridinovna Begmatova
Vol 7, No 10 (2020): November 2020 Theoretical Implication of Pro Parte Dolus Pro Parte Culpa Wrongdoing in the Formulation of Passive Money Laundering Abstract   PDF
Aditya Wiguna Sanjaya, I Nyoman Nurjaya, Prija Djatmika, Masruchin Ruba’i
Vol 6, No 2 (2019): April 2019 Theory of Reign, Shahid Sadr's Answer to the Question of Determinism Abstract   PDF
Hassan Lahootiyan, Behruz Muhammadimunfared
Vol 6, No 4 (2019): August 2019 Thesis on the Rearrangement of the Reclamation and Post-Mining Supervision System According to Law No. 4 of 2009 Concerning Mineral and Coal Mining Abstract   PDF
Sucy Delyarahmi, Sukanda Husin, Remrandt Remrandt
Vol 7, No 5 (2020): June 2020 They Are Re – Governmental Forms Democracy in Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Tomy Michael
Vol 6, No 4 (2019): August 2019 Third Party Legal Protection in the Cooperation Agreement for Purchasing Company Assets (Analysis of the Decision of the Mataram High Court Number: 10 / PDT / 2018 / PT. MTR) Abstract   PDF
Michael Anshori, Zainal Asikin, Djumardin Djumardin
Vol 11, No 1 (2024): January 2024 Thriving Entrepreneurs: How Makassar City's MSMEs Boost Local Prosperity Abstract   PDF
Irna Nuryani, Muh Thahir Haning, Hasniati Hasniati
Vol 10, No 12 (2023): December 2023 Timorese Women's Efforts in Fighting for Gender Equality (Study of the Decision of the Kefamenanu District Court) Abstract   PDF
Maria Yolanda Metboki, Wiyatmi Wiyatmi, Anwar Efendi, Hartono Hartono
Vol 9, No 2 (2022): February 2022 Tin Mining Licensing in the Era of Local Government Reform Abstract   PDF
Fendi Haryono
Vol 11, No 1 (2024): January 2024 Today’s Demand for Working with Applications of Individual and Legal Entities Abstract   PDF
Khairulla Khabibullaevich Khasilov
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