The Pattern of Legislative and Executive Relations in Discussing the Regional Budget (APBD) in Blora Regency
The Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) is a plan for the income and expenditure of the regional government for one year, established in regional regulations (Perda). The head of the region and the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) are required to jointly approve the APBD regulation no later than one month before the start of the following fiscal year. In Blora Regency, Central Java Province, the APBD was approved late from 2002 to 2015, totaling 13 consecutive years. Then, from 2016 to 2023, the APBD was approved on time. This study aims to describe the pattern of legislative and executive relations in the discussion of the 2015 APBD when it was approved late and in the discussion of the 2022 APBD when it was approved on time. This research is a case study in Blora Regency using qualitative research methods through documentation and in-depth interviews with competent informants. Data were analyzed using Miles and Hubberman techniques. The results show dynamics in the pattern of relations between the legislative and executive branches in the discussion and approval of the APBD. These patterns consist of associative and dissociative relations. Associative relations involve cooperation between the DPRD and the head of the region, based on principles of equal partnership. Dissociative relations manifest as competition, controversy, and conflict. Several factors contribute to the formation of these relationship patterns, including political and governmental environmental factors as well as social environmental factors.
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Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Governments.
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