The Need for Uniqueness’s Impact Analysis on Impulsive Buying of Online Fashion Product with Prices as Intervening Variable
The objective of this study is to analyze the significance of the impact of the need for uniqueness on prices of online fashion products and impulsive buying of generations Y and Z. The research method used was causal quantitative. Data was collected through an online survey and analyzed using SEM-PLS through the SmartPLS application. The research sample is consumers who make unplanned purchases of online fashion products in one year. The findings show that the need for uniqueness has a significant positive impact on direct impulse buying and a significant positive impact on indirect impulse buying through price. Although the indirect impact is significant, the price of online fashion products does not mediate fully but partially. Generation Y and Z in Indonesia are not price sensitive. They are tolerant of the prices of original, unique, and rare fashion products in an effort to fulfill the need for uniqueness. This condition in turn triggers impulsive buying.
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