The Impact of Emotional Intelligence to Employee Performance at PT WKR
In an organization, one of the most critical assets is human resources. Human resources are one of the main factors that play a role in determining the success of an organization to achieve predetermined goals. The employees very much learn the achievement of organizational goals. Many factors can influence the achievement of organizational goals. One of them is emotional intelligence. This research aimed to determine how much influence emotional intelligence on employee performance at PT WKR. The method used is quantitative by using an explanative approach, which has a population of 138 people. In comparison, the sample is 42 people because the samples taken vary in position, the researcher used the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The results of the calculation of the correlation coefficient analysis in this research are r = 0.424, which means a moderate relationship between emotional intelligence and employee performance at PT WKR. The result of the coefficient of determination calculation is 18%, meaning that emotional intelligence has an influence of 18% on the performance of employees at PT WKR. The remaining 82% is influenced by other factors not examined by the researcher. The results of the calculation of the correlation significance test in this research obtained the t-test results of 3.269; therefore, t count is greater than t table, emotional intelligence has a significant impact on employee performance at PT WKR.
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