The Analysis of the Results of Acceptability on the Translation Results in the Unedited Version and Edited Version in the Novel “After You”

Irma Fitriana Azti, Mangatur Rudolf Nababan, Djatmika Djatmika


The main objective of this study is to compare the acceptability translation result from the translator and edited by the editor. It employed a descriptive-qualitative approach. Its data were obtained through content analysis, FGD, and observation, and analyzed with an interactive data analysis technique. The final findings of this research indicate the followings. First, the translation techniques used by translator and editing techniques used by the editor. Second, the rate of acceptability of the translation results from the translator and that have been edited by the editor. Third, the analysis of the acceptability of the translation results by the translator and that have been edited by the editor. Prior to its application, the translation techniques and editing techniques used by the translator and editor have a positive impact on the acceptability of the translation.


Translation; Editing; Editing Techniques; Translation Techniques; Editor

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