Granting Asylum to Truth-Seekers from the perspective of Qur'an
From the very beginning of the Islamic era, it has happened many times that a number of polytheists, in response to their call of nature, applied for a voluntary listening to the Quran. This phenomenon, which is called "Asylum-Seeking of Polytheists" in the Quran, was considered as a unique and incomparable event throughout the Islamic history in the field of propagation of the religion of Islam for non-Muslims. Asylum means seeking refugee by the idolaters. In this case, it is obligatory for the Muslims to provide the ground for realizing this important issue, to remove the possible obstacles and to accept the asylum-seeker pagan and provide him with sufficient verses and proofs so that he may be guided to the right path.
In this article, while giving an objective explanation of this issue, as well as referring to examples of "granting asylum to truth-seeking pagans", we study the practical solutions in this regard, which are presented for the first time and, if realized, good conditions would be created for non-Muslims. Obviously, this kind of asylum is a cultural and religious asylum and not a political asylum.Keywords
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