The Effectiveness of the Ministry of Social Family's Hope Program (Program Keluarga Harapan) in Increasing the Welfare of the District of Medan Johor
The Ministry of Social Family's Hope Program (Program Keluarga Harapan) is a conditional cash transfer program for poor families or known internationally as Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT). Social Family's Hope Program (Program Keluarga Harapan) is a social protection program that provides cash assistance to underprivileged households and for members of Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM) Beneficiary Families who have health components (toddlers and pregnant women), education (elementary, junior high, and high school children), and welfare social (elderly and social disability).
This program, in the short term aims to reduce the burden of underprivileged households and in the long run it is expected to break the intergenerational poverty chain, so that the next generation can get out of the poverty trap. The effectiveness of the Ministry of Social Family Hope Program is measured by several indicators, namely the accuracy of the targets, the implementation of program socialization, the achievement of program objectives, and program evaluation.
This research was conducted in Medan Johor District. The methods in this research is descriptive research with quantitative research methods. Quantitative descriptive research uses words, images, and not entirely numbers when data is collected. The population in this research was 2,589 and using the multi-stage sampling method, through the proportionate stratified and simple random sampling stages a sample of 259 members of beneficiary families was taken.
The results of the research indicate that in general, the implementation of the Ministry of Social Affairs' Family Hope Program in Medan Johor District has been running effectively. However, there are still some aspects that have not fully met the effectiveness of this program, such as officers (assistants) who have not performed their duties properly, Beneficiary Families who often do not attend group meetings, and issues such as zero balance, damaged or lost cards that there is no substitute yet, and the Beneficiary Families' behavior and point of view regarding assistance from the Government are not yet correct.
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