Needs Analysis of Employee Performance in Center for Community Training Ministry of Village, Development Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration the Republic of Indonesia

Iman Sugiman, Muchtar Luthfie, Rizal Taufikkurohman


This research aims to needs analysis that required in order improving the performance of Center for Community Training Ministry of Village Development Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration the Republic of Indonesia. In this research used three phases of Needs Assessment by Witkin, and Altschuld (1996) that such as Phase of Pre-assessment Phase of Assessment, and also Phase of Post Assessment. This study steps have reviewed the scope of research and main issue of performance problem, determined the ideal performance condition, identified the gaps between ideal and actual condition, determined the performance needs, explored the causes, and proposed alternative recommended solutions. The Instruments used survey, interview, and documentation with the respondent consist of three of section head, three of section staff,  two of  expert review, and 30 employees. The result shows based on three phases of  Needs Assessment, out of  six aspects, only four aspects are stated  to be ideal related to the task and function implementation. In addition to these aspects, two other aspects have gaps, giving rise to performance requirements given alternative solution recommendations.



Need Analysis; Performance Gap; HR Performance; Performance Improvement

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