Effect of Bali Province Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2019 on Pecalang Organizations in Bali

Putu Sugiantiningsih, I Made Weni, Tommy Hariyanto


Pecalang originates from a unit of Balinese royal warriors that has been hundreds of years old and still exists today which plays an important role in maintaining security and public order in Bali. Pecalang is often also called traditional Balinese police whose job is to secure an activity related to adat, such as: religious ceremonies, Ngaben processions, wedding processions, etc. related to traditional ceremonies in Bali as a form of Indigenous Swadharmaning and State Swadharmaning, but along with the development of the pecalang function is no longer only contributing to maintaining security during the implementation of traditional cultural and religious activities. In addition, Pecalang when on duty does not use uniforms as other security units do but uses traditional Balinese clothing. Pecalang members are chosen from each banjar or hamlet, and those who are elected are those who according to the judgment of the citizens have a personality that is both intelligent, disciplined, skilled and active in banjar activities. In every security activity carried out by pecalang, pecalang do so with full sincerity as a form of service to the community and religion so that they feel proud to be able to help smooth the implementation of activities even though they do not get a salary as a form of Ngayah.


Regional Regulation; Pecalang; Bali

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Bali Provincial Regulation No. 4 of 2019

Law Number 5 of 1979 concerning Village Government

Regional Regulation of Bali Province Number 3 of 2001 concerning the village of Pekraman

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i3.875


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