Hora and Cattle Owners of Maccaa Oromo in Ethiopia: an Analysis from Folkloric Perspective

Milkessa Edae, Workineh Dirribsa, Terefe Mitiku


This research dealt with hora (salty mineral water) and its ritualistic aspect among the Maccaa Oromo. It aims at exploring the hora (salty mineral water) and its ritualistic contents in social and natural environments of the Maccaa Oromo. The study areas were purposively selected based on its historical background and valuable information related with hora obaasuu and its ritual and there are some hora sites in West Shawa zone. Accordingly 13 respondents from three Aanaas (districts) participated in the study. The respondents were purposively selected depending on their age and experience in using the hora. This study revealed that the major hora used by the Maccaa Oromo were hora Sanqallee, hora Amboo, hora Weessoo, hora Gur’uu Fadii, hora Bilandoo and hora Baaduu. According to the Maccaa Oromo’s world view, hora (mineral water) is believed as clean and as extraordinary water with the purifying and curing power. However most of these horas and ritual which attached to them are being changed and under mind as well as they are being replaced by alien culture due to globalization spirit and its associative factors such as the introduction of foreign religion, modernization and bio medical drugs on cultural mix. So it is needed to conserve this natural resource with its cultural elements since hora is the indicator of indigenous people’s investigation, belief system, wisdom, philosophy and culture.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v4i4.87


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