The Role and Function of Supervision from the Notary Supervisory Board in Dealing with Violations of Ethics and Notary Position in Mataram City
This study discusses the role and function of the Notary Supervisory Board against the notary who violates the code of ethics and notary position. It applies the empirical legal juridical research method that is carried out by examining the conditions in the field related to the implementation of supervision and guidance of notaries by the Supervisory Board in Mataram City. Based on Article 1 paragraph (6) Law on Notary Position, the Notary Supervisory Board is an institution that has the authority and obligation to carry out guidance and supervision of the notary. In carrying out supervision and guidance, the Minister forms a Supervisory Board consisting of 3 (three) levels which include the Regional Supervisory Board in the city/regency, the Provincial Supervisory Board in the province and the Central Supervisory Board in the capital. Each level consists of 9 (nine) different people; each of 3 (three) people came from government, notary, expert/academic elements. The Supervisory Board has very important roles and functions in law enforcement against notaries in their territories in holding hearings to check for suspected violations of the code of ethics and notary position. Law enforcement can be in the form of preventive measures (supervision) and curative steps (implementation of sanctions). Thus, if the notary commits a violation, the Supervisory Board has the right to examine and sanction him/her. Sanctions can be in the form of written warning, temporary dismissal, respectful dismissal and/or disrespectful dismissal.
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