The Effect of Leadership Style, Self-Efficacy and Employee Training on Employee Performance at the Sierra Leone Airport Authority
The purpose of this study was to determine factors that influence employee performance at the Sierra Leone airport authority. The following research questions guided this study: To what extent does leadership impact employee performance at the Sierra Leone airport authority. To what extent does self-efficacy impact employee performance. To what extent does training impact employee performance at the Sierra Leone airport authority.
A descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study. The population of interest consisted of 360 employees who are currently working at various departments. The departments found at the airport include the following administrative department, engineering, finance, audit, commercial/procurement and operations. A sample size of 186 was drawn from the targeted population using a random sampling technique. Moreover, a self- administered structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. Furthermore, statistical methods such as descriptive statistics; mode, median and mean as a measure of central tendency were used to analyze the data. Moreover, regression statistics were used to determine the factors that influence employee performance. Statistical Program for social Science (SPSS) version 20 was also used to analyze the data. Additional, tables and charts were used to present the study results.
The results of the study can conclude that: 1) the Leadership style variable has a positive effect on the employee performance regression coefficient of 0.193 and the t-test value of 3.206; 2) Training variable has an effect on employee performance regression coefficient of 0.219 and t-test value of 2.537; 3) the Self-Efficacy variable has an affects on the employee performance regression coefficient of 0.566 and the t-test value of 5.185; 4) There is a significant influence among the variables of Leadership style, Training and Self-Efficacy simultaneously towards employee performance, the correlation value is 61.3%, while the variable that has the greatest influence is self-efficacy.
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