The Practicality of Student Activity Sheet Integrated Scientific Approach to Stimulate Skills of Elementary School Students in Solving Problems Surrounding Natural Environment
students integrated scientific approach. The student activity sheet integrated scientific approach is an activity sheet that presents material, instructions and various kinds of tasks for students by combining scientific approach activities in the form of (1) observing, (2) asking questions, (3) gathering information, (4) processing information, and (5) communicate. This type of research uses research or R & D (Research and Development). In this research process, the final result is that the development of student activity sheets integrated scientific approach has a high practicality value based on (1) observations of student and teacher activities when using student activity sheets integrated scientific approach to the learning process gets high scores; (2) the results of the readability questionnaire on the student activity sheet integrated scientific approach obtained the average percentage response value of 93.91% with very high criteria; (3) the results of student questionnaire responses to the use of student activity sheets integrated scientific approach obtain an average percentage response value of 94.35% with very high criteria.
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