The Influence of Classroom Learning Environment toward Students’ Vocabulary Acquisition: A Study on Second Semester Junior High School Students

Ahmad Baihaqi, Sudirman Wilian, Nuriadi Nuriadi


The aim of this study was to determine whether or not classroom learning environment strategy is effective to increase students’ vocabulary acquisition. The research design was experimental study. There were four groups in this design; two groups for experimental group and two groups for control group. The sampling technique was random sampling which meant each subject or unit has an equal chance of being selected. The technique of data collecting in this research were documentation and testing. Data was analyzed by using t-test formula and t-table. The sample for this study consisted of one hundred and sixty-four (164) students. The data were collected through pre-test, treatment, and post-test where the experimental groups were treated by classroom learning environment strategy whereas the control groups were treated by using common teaching. The finding showed that the t-test value was higher than t-table. 5.3839 and 7.0249 > 1.990 at significant level .05 5.3839 and 7.0249 > 2.6386 and 2.6371 at significant level .01 in degree of freedom (df) 80. It showed that classroom  learning environment strategy gave significant effect on students’ vocabulary acquisition at grade VII of SMPN 7 Mataram in academic year 2018/2019.


Classroom Learning Environment Strategy; Experimental Study; Vocabulary Acquisition

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