First-Time Registration of Ownership of Land Obtained Through Sale and Purchase under the Hand Whose Proof of Ownership Is Lost

Bintang Uswatun Hasanah, Any Suryani, Widodo Dwi Putro


In practice, people who experience loss of proof of ownership rights over land where in the land title application must provide evidence of information about the land which includes data on physical and physical data. As stipulated in Law No. 5/1960 concerning Regulation on Basic Agrarian Principles article 19 that To ensure legal certainty by the Government registration of land throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia according to the provisions regulated by Government Regulations, registration includes one of giving letters - proof of rights, which applies as a strong evidence tool. The problem in this study is how is the validity of buying and selling rights to land carried out under the hands? and how is the registration process the first application for ownership of land to land whose proof of ownership is lost? The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the sale and purchase of land rights carried out under the hand, and to find out the process of registering the transfer of land rights at the Bima City Land Office whose proof of ownership was lost. This research has benefits both academically and practically. The research used in this study is Empirical Law research and the approach in this study is the Legislative, Conceptual, and Sociological approaches. The process of buying and selling land under the hands carried out before the Head of Village / Lurah and witnesses is valid because the buying and selling conditions have been fulfilled according to Law Number 5 Year 1960 concerning Agrarian Principal Regulations. The first application for land registration in Bima City whose proof of ownership is lost in practice can still be registered.


First Time Registration; Buying and Selling Under the Hand; Proof of Ownership Lost

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