Analysis of the Level of Resilience of Post Disaster Earthquake State High School Students in Pidie Jaya District
This article discusses the level of resilience of post-earthquake disaster high school students in Pidie Jaya District. Resilience is the ability of a person to adjust and survive even if someone faces a difficult and pressing situation. This study uses descriptive method and sampling using cluster random sampling technique from 9 public high schools in Pidie Jaya Regency so that two schools were obtained as research sites, namely high school (SMA) 1 Tringgadeng and high school (SMA) 2 Meureudu with a sample of 310 students. The data collection method used was using the TIR-I questionnaire (Taufik and Ifdil Resilience Inventory). The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and T-test to see differences in the level of resilience in terms of gender with the help of SPSS version 20.0. The results showed that the level of resilience of public high school students after the earthquake in Pidie Jaya District was in the moderate category with a percentage of 48.4% totaling 150 students with an average value of 134. Furthermore, this study also examined in detail 7 aspects of resilience which showed the results of aspects emotion regulation in the low category (38%), impulse control aspects (59%), optimism (65%), empathy (64%), 56% self-efficacy and reaching out (65%) in the moderate category and causal analysis (69 %) in the high category. While the difference in the level of resilience in terms of sex for SMAN 1 Tringgadeng there are differences in the level of resilience where men are higher, with a value of 148, 75 and lower women with a value of 123,74. While for SMAN 2 Meureudu there is a no different level of resilience between men and women.
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