The Education Value of “Ki Bodronolo” Folklore

Stillia Mubarokah Darojat, Suyitno Suyitno, Slamet Subiyantoro


This study aims to describe the folklore of Ki Bodronolo and examine the educational value contained in it so that it is useful for people, especially people of Karangkembang village, Alian Disctrict, Kebumen Regency, and the educational environment especially for teachers and students.  This is a descriptive qualitative study using content analysis method. There are two aspects analyzed. They are the folklore of Ki Brodonolo, the educational value of the folklore of Ki Brodonolo, and the relevance of the folklore of Ki Brodonolo in the literature learning in junior high school. From the study, it can be concluded that: the folklore of Ki Brodonolo contains various educational value which are moral educational value, custom/tradition educational value, religious educational value, and heroic educational value. In addition, the folklore of Ki Madusena Astrabaya is also relevant as a literature learning material for junior high school students.


Educational Values; Folklore; Literature

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