Energizing Students’ Academic Writing Competence through Research Group Activity (A Supervisor Intervention)
The outcome of having a manuscript published in reputable international journals leads students to various challenges. The supervisor has an essential role in succeeding students to achieve this goal. This study aims to determine the position of the supervisor in guiding students to have a publication in reputable international journals by a research group activity. This study focuses on retrieving data from three non-native speakers (NNS) supervisors who guide graduate students majoring in chemistry who have manuscripts published in reputable international journals. Data obtained by interview method. This research uses the qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. Based on the data collected, the mentor has a crucial role in succeeding the students to have reputable international manuscript publications. Interventions conducted by supervisor varied from the selection of a title to the choice of journal publisher.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i2.721
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