Evaluation of Safety and Security by Using the Fuzzy Logic Methods in Islamic Azad University, Branch of Lahijan

Hedyeh Rastkar Komachali, Sudabeh Nowruzi


Safety assumes a critical part in the utilization of spots. Various spots can create issues in respect to people’s impression of safety. A few parameters influence the view of security and various scientists have dug into these parameters. In any case, large portions of these parameters are quantitative and hard to break down utilizing ordinary expository strategies. This paper at first recognizes the parameters that influence safety by utilizing a survey. These parameters incorporate the components of light, crowdedness, and scene. A short time later, these parameters are measured in three places inside the Islamic Azad University, Lahijan branch. An assessment of the security of these spots in view of the fluffy rationale framework takes after. Finally, we watched that after effects of the fluffy rationale examination demonstrated generous concurrence with the survey discoveries.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v4i2.72


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