Enhancing Rural Area Students’ Speaking Ability Through SMART Spelling: An Action Research

Faldi Kumbangsila, Margana Margana


Non-native students must cultivate speaking skills to acquire a foreign language proficiently. Enhancing middle school students' speaking performance is considered essential, as is the case in vocational schools, which require students to possess specific skills. This study aims to assess the impact of Smart Spelling on students' speaking performance. This study employed a pre-experimental approach including 28 students from rural primary schools. The study's findings indicated that pronunciation exhibited the highest mean in speaking skills, whereas grammar demonstrated the lowest mean. This investigation revealed a significant difference, despite the total elements being greater than in the last test. It suggests that pupils utilizing Smart Spelling techniques had enhanced speaking skills.


Speaking; Primary Students; SMART Spelling

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i11.6664


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