Analysis of the Form of Lie's Song in the Process of Whale Arresting in the Village Community Lamalera, Wulandoni District, Regency Lembata

Paskalis Romanus Langgu


The Lie song in the process of whaling in Lamalera Village, Wulandoni District, Lembata Regency, is a tradition inherited from ancestors. This song is used as an expression of gratitude to God, ancestors, and nature, as well as to ask for help during the process of going to sea. This study aims to analyze the form of Lie songs in the process of whaling. The research method used is qualitative descriptive with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of the study show that the song Lie has a two-part song structure with a sentence pattern of A (a, a') B. This song uses a pentatonic scale with a 4/4 rhythm pattern. This research highlights the importance of preserving the Lie singing tradition as part of the cultural wealth of the Lamalera people.


Lie Song; Whaling; Song Forms

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