Development of Learning Devices Using the RME Approach Oriented Towards Mathematical Connection Ability and Learning Interest

Fica Dwi Anggriani, Jailani Jailani


The standard of the learning process emphasizes the importance of fostering students' mathematical connections from an early stage. However, the low proficiency in this aspect necessitates a more effective instructional model. Learning interest also plays a crucial role in enhancing students' motivation and mathematics learning outcomes. Therefore, it is essential to design innovative, adaptive, and student-centered learning materials. This study aims to develop mathematics learning materials using the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach that are valid, practical, and effective in improving students' mathematical connection abilities and learning interest. The research employs the ADDIE development model and was conducted on seventh-grade students in a public junior high school in North Klaten, Central Java, in 2024. The validity of the learning materials was assessed through expert validation sheets, while practicality was measured based on teachers' and students' evaluations. Effectiveness was determined using a mathematical connection ability test and a learning interest questionnaire, analyzed through a paired sample t-test. Validation results indicate that the learning materials meet the validity criteria, with an average score of 80 for the teaching module and 116 for the student worksheet (LKS). Practicality was rated very high, with average scores of 86.892 for the teaching module, 87.56 for the student worksheet, and 92.1% for lesson implementation. The materials were deemed effective, as students achieved an average score of 80, exceeding the minimum mastery criteria (KKTP), supported by statistical test results. Thus, the developed learning materials fulfill the criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness.


Learning Interest, Mathematical Connection Ability, RME

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