The Influence of Ticket Prices and Customer Experience on Customer Retention (A Survey of Commuter Line Jabodetabek Passengers)
This study focuses on the electric rail service (KRL) Commuter Line operated by PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (PT KCI), emphasizing the importance of customer retention in ensuring service sustainability. Customer retention plays a strategic role for transportation service providers, as the cost of acquiring new customers is significantly higher than maintaining existing ones. However, the influence of factors such as ticket prices and customer experience on retention remains a topic that has not been fully explored, particularly in the context of price fluctuations that often trigger diverse customer responses. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of ticket prices and customer experience on customer retention. The research adopts a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis. Data collection techniques include questionnaires, interviews, and observations involving subjects meeting the research criteria, specifically customers of the KRL Commuter Line Jabodetabek. Descriptive data analysis is based on questionnaire results, while descriptive analysis techniques rely on interview transcripts with subjects, data reduction validated by the subjects, data presentation, and conclusion. The results show that the t-value (3.017) with a significance of 0.000, which is less than 0.05, indicates a significant relationship. The regression coefficients for ticket prices (0.083) and customer experience (0.477) are both positive, suggesting that ticket prices and customer experience have a positive and significant influence on customer retention. Additionally, the comparison of the t-value (3.017) with the t-table value (1.971) confirms that the t-value > t-table leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis (H₀) and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis (Hₐ). This positive influence is driven by the strategies implemented by PT KCI in developing various innovations and improving service quality.
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