Effect of Organic Fertilizer Formulation and Eco-Enzyme Application Timing on the Growth and Yield of Cherry Tomato

Maria G.M Polii, Pemmy Tumewu, Paula C.H Supit, Agnes Estephina Loho, Andri Amaliel Managanta, Saartje Sompotan


Tomat is rich in substances that are beneficial to human health, such as lycopene which functions as an antioxidant. The use of organic fertilizer formulations consisting of Tithonia, chicken manure, and Clotalaria, as well as the timing of eco-enzyme application, aims to ensure the availability of nutrients needed for the growth period of cherry tomato. The study aims to determine the effect of the interaction between the dosage of organic fertilizer formulation and the timing of eco-enzyme application in increasing cherry tomato yields, obtaining the dosage of organic fertilizer formulation in increasing cherry tomato yields, and determining the right timing of eco-enzyme application in increasing cherry tomato yields. The study was conducted in Kakaskasen Tomohon, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia from May to October 2024. Randomized Block Design (RBD) factorial pattern with three replications. The first factor I (A) is the time of application of eco-enzyme (A) which consists of: A1=1 x eco-enzyme application/week, A2=2 x eco-enzyme applications/week, A3= 3x eco-enzyme applications/week. Factor II (B) is the dosage of organic fertilizer formulation, namely B1= 10 tons/ha of organic fertilizer formulation, B2 = 20 tons/ha of paitan grass organic fertilizer formulation, and B3= 30 tons/ha of organic fertilizer formulation. The application of eco-enzyme with a concentration of 100 ml per liter of water was proven to be effective in increasing the weight of tomato fruit per plant. The results showed that the best application frequency was twice a week, with an average fruit weight reaching 425.78 grams per plant. The application frequency of twice a week provides an ideal balance between a sufficient supply of eco-enzyme to support plant physiological activity without causing saturation or decreasing its effectiveness.


Cherry Tomato; Organic Fertilizer; Eco-Enzyme

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v12i1.6603


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