A Study on the Relationship among EFL Students’ Self-esteem, Motivation, Attitude, and Speaking Performance: In the Case of Selected Secondary Schools in Addis Ababa City, Grade 11 in Focus
This study used the Pearson-product moment to examine the relationship between the self-esteem, motivation, attitude, and speaking performance. 87 Ethiopian grade 11 students served as the sample population. The researcher employed self-esteem questionnaires that were modified from Rosenberg's (1979) work. Gardner's (1985) adaptation of the Attitude Motivation Test Battery served for the development of motivation and attitude surveys. Data were also acquired utilizing speaking tests. The analysis showed motivation, attitude, self-esteem, and speaking performance have a significant relationship. The correlation coefficient between speaking performance and attitude was found to be 0.828, with a P value of =0.000. The outcome showed that speaking performance and motivations had a relationship, with a significant value of 0.449. The result indicated that there was a significant relationship among self-esteem and speaking performance with a significant value of 0.384. Therefore, the results indicated that the null hypotheses were rejected and alternative hypotheses were accepted.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v12i1.6599
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