Harmonization of Common but Differentiated Responsibility Principles as an International Law Norm towards National Law for the World Climate System Protection
Harmonization efforts are needed because the applicable laws and regulations must be adapted to the various changes that have occurred in the Indonesian legal system. There are two main issues. The first one is the form of harmonization of the common but differentiated responsibility principles as an international legal norm towards national law for the protection of the world climate system, and the second one is Indonesia's obstacles in implementing the CBDR principle. This study applies normative juridical method using descriptive analysis. The data will be analyzed in a qualitative manner. The results of this study are, firstly, Indonesia carries out harmonization as the implementation of the contents of the Kyoto protocol through Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. Secondly, the biggest obstacle in implementing the CBDR principle in Indonesia is corruption, collusion and nepotism.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i2.658
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