Bawon System in Colonization Studies in Lampung Residency (1932-1941)
This paper aims to understand the application of the cotton system during the colonial period in Lampung Residency. The study uses a historical method consisting of four research stages: heuristic, critical sources, interpretation, and historiography with a sociological approach. The data collection techniques used consist of documentation and library techniques. Based on the research, it was learned that during colonization in Lampung, the cotton system was used as a colonial instrument that demonstrated the dominance of the Dutch colonial government over the economic and social society of Lampung and often provoked much local resistance. This policy has proven to significantly impact Lampung’s social and financial structures, where colonials monopolize land and agricultural production at the expense of the lives and well-being of the local people and the colonists of Lampung. Nevertheless, the bamboo system in Lampung shows the dynamics of local colonialism, which is still frequently used in harvest rental.
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