A Study of the Design of "Fulmala" as Contemporary Jewelry Inspired by Borobudur Temple
This study explores the contemporary jewelry design "Fulmala," inspired by the aesthetics and symbolism of Borobudur Temple. Using an iconographic approach, the research identifies visual elements transformed into the jewelry design, such as the lotus flower crown engraved at the base of Borobudur stupas, lava stone textures, and repetitive patterns reflecting the mandala structure of the temple. Fulmala combines materials such as gold, silver, and lava stone with a composition of gold, rose gold, and black colors to create a dynamic and meaningful design. The design process of Fulmala involves stages such as idea exploration, moodboard creation, sketching, technical detailing, and prototyping, resulting in a final product with high aesthetic and philosophical value. As part of the Lavani collection by Amero Jewellery, Fulmala was showcased at New York Fashion Week 2023 and featured in international events, introducing Indonesian culture to a global audience. This study highlights how cultural heritage can be adapted into contemporary jewelry designs with international appeal.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v12i1.6500
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