Develop Numeracy E-Modules on Statistics Content Oriented to Critical Thinking Skills and Mathematical Disposition
The learning revolution that shifts to numeracy learning affects the availability of the need for teaching materials that include numeracy learning linked to technology in the current digitalization era to encourage students' learning outcomes that are still relatively low, due to students' critical thinking skills and mathematical disposition that still need to be improved. This can be resolved by providing media through the aims in this research, namely to develop numeracy e-modules on statistics content oriented to critical thinking skills and mathematical disposition of grade VIII junior high school students that are appropriate for practical use. This research is a development research with ADDIE model. Data were gathered based on questionnaires and mathematical critical thinking skills tests. The research results show that the numeracye-module meets the validity criteria in terms of media (medium) and material (high). Practicality level assessment by teachers by 95% (very practical) and students by 90.2% (very practical). Pretestand Postest results from the criticalt hinking skills test and students 'mathematical disposition increased in N-Gain in the interval g ≥ 0.7 with a high category. It is concluded that the developed e-module is feasible touse in terms of validity, practicality and effectiveness.
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