Transformation of Masculinity: The Androgynous Style of Male K-Pop Idols and Its Implications for Dance in Indonesia
The phenomenon of globalization, which allows for rapid and widespread cultural exchange, has had a major impact on Indonesian society's views on gender and masculinity. One of the biggest influences comes from K-pop, which promotes the concept of androgyny through the appearance of male K-pop idols. This androgynous style, which combines masculine and feminine elements, is gaining attention among Indonesian K-pop fans. This research aims to explore the acceptance of the androgynous style adopted by male K-pop idols among Indonesian fans and its impact on dance perspectives. The results show that despite going against traditional gender stereotypes in Indonesia, this androgynous style is well received by fans. The style also serves as a driver of change in society's view of masculinity, as well as introducing a more inclusive concept of gender expression. In the world of dance, this androgynous phenomenon is reflected in the wider acceptance of cross-gender elements in dance performances. This research concludes that androgyny, driven by K-pop culture, can be a means to expand a more inclusive and progressive appreciation of dance in Indonesia.
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