Impact of Fatalistic Seismic Belief and Risk Communication towards Earthquake Risk Perception in Indonesia
Socio-cultural factors are responsible in shaping earthquake risk perception asides psychological factors. According to preliminary research, the interaction of social and cultural factors associated with earthquake risk in Indonesia need to be examined due to the high occurrence. The impact of risk with diverse socio-cultural conditions will give rise to different complexities for disaster management. Therefore, this research aims to examine the interaction of fatalistic seismic belief and risk communication associated with earthquake perception in Indonesia. Data were collected from 400 respondents to obtain fatalistic seismic belief, risk communicate $on, and perception using a questionnaire with a multistage random sampling method. The data collected were analyzed using the PLS-SEM model in SmartPLS 4. The results showed that fatalistic seismic belief had a negative and significant influence of 0.310, while risk communication had a positive and significant influence on risk perception by 0.223. Risk communication also influences fatalistic seismic belief negatively and significantly by 0.285. In conclusion, research regarding individual risk perception in facing earthquake is important to reduce losses caused by this natural disaster in Indonesia.
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