The Relation Between Directive Speech Acts and Camera Angles in Variety Show Master Chef Indonesia Season 9
The background of this research is how speakers and speech partners can give and receive messages well. This can be found in directive speech acts. This research discusses speech acts in a television program that is rebroadcast on the YouTube platform. Apart from discussing the speech between speakers on the screen, this research also discusses how directive speech messages are conveyed to the audience outside the screen through camera angles. The aim of analysing directive speech acts and camera angles in this research is to describe the forms of directive speech acts referring to Searle's theory and types of camera angles referring to Bonafix's theory. These two discussions are useful for understanding whether the relation between the two is compatible or not. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that uses a data source in the form of YouTube media on the Master Chef Indonesia season 9 event. The results from this data source obtained 77 data with 68 data that were appropriate and 9 data that were not appropriate. Data on directive speech acts found 47 data on directive question speech acts, 4 data on directive speech acts on permission, 5 data on directive speech acts on prohibition, 14 data on directive speech acts on command, and 7 data on directive speech acts on requests. Meanwhile, data for techniques for taking camera angles in this research found 5 bird's eye data, 1 high angle data, 45 eye level data, and 26 low angle data.
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