Fish, Faith, and Culture Intersections: A Case Reflection of Indonesian Chinese Christians Community
This study explores the intricate relationships between the Christian faith and Indonesian Chinese cultural traditions, focusing on the fish motif as a significant symbol. The research employs historical and literary analyses through an intercultural theology lens to investigate how the fish symbol serves theological and socio-cultural functions within Christianity, tracing its transformation from ancient times to its current role in Indonesian contexts. A comparative analysis highlights the similarities between the fish's theological significance in Christianity and its integration into Indonesian Chinese cultural practices, especially during Chinese New Year's Eve celebrations. This festive occasion exemplifies the conceptual ties to biblical narratives involving fish, emphasizing sustenance, salvation, and community themes. Furthermore, the research illustrates the adaptive nature of religious symbols in multicultural settings, demonstrating how these symbols evolve while retaining their core meanings. Through this examination, the study aims to enhance understanding of the multifaceted interpretations of the fish symbol across diverse cultural landscapes, thereby contributing valuable insights into the intersections of faith, culture, and ritual practices within biblical and Indonesian Chinese backgrounds.
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