Growth Mindset in English Language Teaching and Learning
Several studies have revealed that inadequate English proficiency, instructor inventiveness, and student learning motivation are major issues in Indonesia. These restrictions must be overcome. The current study stresses the concept of growth mindset, first proposed by psychologist Carol Dweck, as a critical response to previous setbacks. Several sources were located utilizing the library research method to answer the study's questions. It is thought that students with a growth mindset are more likely to persevere in the face of adversity, viewing failure as a learning opportunity rather than a setback. Students with a growth mentality are more inclined to accept challenges during their English learning journey. They see failures as chances for progress rather than impassable hurdles. Students who believe they can grow and improve have higher levels of self-efficacy. Growth mindset enhanced some students' socioemotional abilities and study habits, notably among low-income students. Furthermore, teachers with a growth mentality are more willing to receive feedback and improve their teaching approaches. Teachers with a growth perspective are more inclined to seek professional development opportunities. Teachers with a growth mindset are more likely to experiment with new instructional methods and innovative techniques. Effective professional development programs are critical for providing teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively promote growth mindset principles. The success of implementing a growth mindset into the curriculum is primarily determined by teacher attitudes and training.
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