Investigating the Effect of Organizational Justice, Job Overload and Employee Learning on Productivity of the Organization's Performance by Considering the Job Security and Administrative Bureaucracy (Case Study: Department of Tax Affairs of Tehran City and Province)
In the present era, human resources play a crucial role in the competitive path of organizations, and undoubtedly, a successful organization is one that pays attention to justice, job security, and employee learning to enhance its productivity in his organizations. The purpose of this study is investigating the effect of organizational justice, job overload and employee learning on productivity of the organization's performance by considering the job security and administrative bureaucracy in Department of Tax Affairs of Tehran city and province. The current research is quantitative research and it is for the purpose of investigating the relationships between variables among the descriptive-survey researches of the correlation type. Also, the current research is applied research in terms of its purpose. The statistical population of this research is all the employees, managers and deputies of the tax affairs department of Tehran city and province that the number of them is 6200 people. In this research, in order to determine the number of the studied sample, Cochran's formula was used, and 361 people were selected as a statistical sample for distributing the questionnaire by simple random sampling. The results of the research showed that organizational justice, job overload and employee learning have a significant effect on the productivity of the organization's performance, taking into account job security and administrative bureaucracy in the tax affairs department of Tehran city and province. Also, all false hypotheses were confirmed, except that employee learning has no significant effect on employee job security.
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