Teachers’ Challenges in Promoting Higher Order Thinking Skills in English Classrooms of Senior High School
This study delves into the challenges encountered by teachers in promoting Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) within English classrooms at the senior high school level. Employing a qualitative narrative inquiry approach, the research utilized thematic data analysis to gain insights into the experiences of participating teachers. The findings from the thematic analysis yielded three primary themes. The first theme highlights the significance of HOTS for academic achievement, teacher professional growth, global communication, and educational resources, as well as the importance of integrating HOTS into English language instruction. The second theme addresses the pedagogical challenges, including teacher competence, time limitations, and the abilities and motivation of students, which hinder the effective promotion of HOTS. Teachers often struggle with formulating HOTS questions, devising appropriate teaching strategies, and managing time effectively. The third theme explores the strategies teachers employ to address these challenges, such as thorough preparation, contextual teaching methods, and the use of authentic materials. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into how high school English teachers navigate and overcome the obstacles in promoting HOTS, a critical component of 21st-century education.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i11.6344
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