The Role of Principal Leadership and Teacher Performance in Improving the Graduate Quality
Principal leadership plays an important role in formulating a vision, and mission, and creating a conducive learning environment, which is oriented towards improving student learning outcomes. This study aims to (1) describe principal leadership, teacher performance, and graduate quality of Nurul Hakim Islamic Junior High School, (2) Analyze the role of principal leadership in improving the quality of graduates of Nurul Hakim Islamic Junior High School, (3) analyze the role of teacher performance in improving the graduate quality of Nurul Hakim Islamic Junior High School. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. The location of the study was Nurul Hakim Islamic Junior High School. Data and information were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation. The research informants consisted of the principal and teachers. Data analysis used triangulation. The study results showed that (1) the principal implemented visionary leadership and role model leadership to operate Nurul Hakim Islamic Junior High School. Teachers showed good performance at school because they were able to adapt teaching methods that were appropriate to students' needs and were able to create an effective teaching and learning process. The graduate quality has increased, both in terms of academics and non-academically. (2) The leadership role of the principal as an educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, and motivator has proven to be able to improve graduate quality. (3) Teacher performance also plays a key role in improving the graduate quality. This is evident from the competence of teachers who can adapt teaching methods that are appropriate to the needs of students, and they could create an effective teaching and learning process. This achievement is supported through the optimization of educators by providing facilities for professional education, teacher religious studies, MGMP, workshops, and education seminars.
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