Development of Guidelines for Assessment of Learning and Growth Process Study on Tanjung State School Kindergarten North Lombok
This study aims to (1) develop the feasibility of assessment guidelines for the learning process and growth of early childhood education implementing the independent curriculum; (2) to develop the practicality of early childhood education assessment guidelines; (3) to develop the effectiveness of assessment guidelines for the learning process and growth of early childhood education implementing the independent curriculum based on local wisdom in improving teachers' abilities in conducting assessments. The location of the study was at the Tanjung State School Kindergarten. The subjects in this research were class B teachers at Tanjung State School Kindergarten in North Lombok. Data analysis of the effectiveness of assessment guidelines for early childhood education was obtained from the initial test (pre-test) and the final test (post-test). The initial test aims to determine the teacher's initial abilities. The final test aims to determine the teacher's final abilities. The data obtained were analyzed using a comparative test in the form of a t-test. The results of the study indicate that (1) the assessment guidelines for the learning process and early childhood development that were developed are very valid and reliable so they are suitable for use to improve teachers' abilities in conducting assessments and evaluations. (2) the assessment guidelines for early childhood development that were developed are included in the practical category. (3) the assessment guidelines for the learning process and early childhood development of the implementation of the independent early childhood education curriculum based on local wisdom of North Lombok that were developed are effective in improving teachers' abilities in conducting assessments and evaluations of early childhood development.
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