New Fundraising Platform in Disaster Communication Management

Widiastiana Vista Wijaya, Kiayati Yusriah, Emilianshah Banowo


Indonesia is one of the countries that are in the path of the ring of fire, it has a huge potential for natural disasters. As a country that has an active geological character, it requires an active and dynamic public response in addressing the environmental. When an early warning or without warning, if a disaster occurs, the necessary measures of emergency response to be able to cope the impact of disaster with quickly and rightly so that the number of victims or disadvantage of the disaster can be minimized. Various organizations, communities and individuals have an important role as supporting measures taken by the government through fundraising. The presence of new media, creating a change in society. Previously people donated offline by directly giving donations, now people proceed to donate online through technology devices. is the most popular platform for raising funds and donating online in Indonesia. This study aims to explain the process of disaster communication management through the use of platforms conducted by in the digital era. The research method used is qualitative with the constructivism paradigm. The technique of collecting data consist of observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of the study in the form of disaster management communication stages, that are planning, organizing, controlling, and evaluating to help raise funds for victims of the disaster. The essence of disaster communication management is overcoming disaster problems consist of the existence of effective and efficient organizations based on cooperation and coordination among all parties.



Natural Disaster; Fundraising; Disaster Communication Management;

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