Examining the Rights of Foreign Tourists in the Law of Afghanistan

Sayed Hassan Anwari, Nematuallah Nabavi


Today, travel and tourism are urgent needs of the world's modern culture that all people try to have fun and travel domestically or internationally, which is very important for countries in terms of business and economy. They always try to develop the tourist industry. To attract many tourists to the country, to improve the level of the country's economy, in addition to the development of economic infrastructure, and political and security stability, it is necessary to recognize the rights of tourists in domestic laws. Therefore, in this article, the right to tourism and the general rights of tourists in the legal system of Afghanistan are examined. So, the Afghan legislator recognized the right to tourism, freedom, and general human rights for individuals in the constitution, and according to Article 7 of this law, all the freedoms and general rights that are included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the treaties that the Afghan government It is a member of foreign citizens, which includes the right to security (life and financial), the right to human dignity, the right to travel and choose residence, the right to privacy, the right to access the consulate, the right to go to court, and the right to access information. It recognizes the necessity and is obliged to observe it in the sovereignty of the government territory, and on the other hand, foreign tourists who come to Afghanistan must observe the norms, culture, and internal laws so as not to be against public opinion and conscience.


Tourists; Right; Freedom; Country; Foreigner; Law; International

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i10.6279


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