Political Organization in Multicultural Societies Based on Religious Democracy

Hafizullah Mubalegh


Multicultural societies have special conditions that do not reply to any political system. Therefore, a special structure of democracy should be designed to bring security and progress to these societies. The common version of religious democracy based on a majority vote is unsuitable for multicultural societies. Therefore, the mentioned societies need a special version of religious democracy that can provide justice and security in these societies. The question raised here is what political structure is suitable for multicultural societies? Using descriptive and prescriptive methods and based on the main principles and components of religious democracy such as social justice, political pluralism, popular acceptance, sovereignty of religious laws, and its supervision over power, the current research proposes a special structure in four territorials, legislative, administrative and judicial domains for these societies. The results of the research show that the federal system, with its two-pillar administrative structure composed of the president elected by the people and the prime minister elected by the parliament and the proportional distribution of power and benefits at different levels, along with a unicameral structure based on a proportional electoral system in which religious laws prevail, along with a religious supervisory body on the legislative process and judicial structure based on judicial independence in personal status, the use of independent courts, strengthening human rights institutions and the use of accepted laws of human rights and Islamic human rights is the most appropriate structure in multicultural societies.


Political Organization; Religious Democracy; Multicultural Societies; Multi-Ethnic Democracy; Distributing Power

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i10.6272


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